Barney greengrass is a New York institution. There's nothing we can post that will do justice to what this establishment represents and its most of 100 years of history serving the New York West Side. Let it just be said that no visit to New York is complete without a pit stop at this traditional deli for a taste of some of their amazing smoked fish.
Everybody knows about Barney in NY. Although they specialize in many Jewish delicacies, their sturgeon is the jewel that draws manhattanites and tourists alike in large numbers. I have to admit that right after I found out I would be spending a weekend in New York, after a few months away from the Big Apple, I started dreaming of it.
So, what is our story? We found ourselves in New York and had made plans to meet our Manhattan-based friends Jony and Sabine for brunch. They had never been to Barney so we decided it was the perfect time to pay a visit to the old sturgeon cathedral.

The place does not look like much, neither from outside or the inside (you can see some of it in the movie "Incredibly loud & extremely close".). Just your typical traditional NY deli. That's until you notice their open fridge showcasing all sorts of smoked salmon and sturgeon. The best thing to do is to order a platter of sturgeon and another of your favorite type of salmon (Nova, Lox, Salmon Pastrami, etc.). So that's what we did. If you think you need some type of vessel to transport these delicacies to your mouth you are absolutely right. A few bagels do the job nicely. Now you are almost set. The only thing missing is an appetizer. Barney prepares a mean potato pancake (latke). They come with cream cheese and a wonderful apple sauce that will just make your day.
There's not too much else to say at this point, once bliss is attained. If you have not a clue of what I'm talking about, just start making brunch plans for next weekend at Barney Greengrass.
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