Wise sons is one of the many hipster-friendly places that have recently started popping out in the Mission/24th Street. Far from the taquerias and Latino grocery stores that populate the neighborhood, Wise and Sons seems transplanted from the Upper West side.
This deli opens Wed-Sun, 8am-3pm. We had walked past it the night before and wondered why on earth was this place not open for dinner. We got our answer the day after, when we were welcomed by a long waiting queue. The serving mode is pseudo fast-food: you wait in line until you reach the cash box, order your meal, get a number and only then you can head to a table (some communal, some not).

We didn't take too many chances. I ordered Challah French Toast with fresh fruit (they sell Challah loafs on Fridays) and Diego had the pastrami sandwich with potato salad. My French toast came with four huge slices one inch tall, supper fluffy albeit a little bit too much egg. I was promised peaches and strawberries, but was served blackberries and strawberries and that didn't bother me too much. The orange butter was delicious, but out of habit I put it to the side so I can't really say how it played out with the bread.
As usual, Diego devoured his pastrami without a single word. I take that as a sign that he liked it a lot. He did say that it was a pity he couldn't compare it with the corned beef. I guess he was hoping for a Carnegie's-style "Woody Allen", half pastrami, half corned beef. Maybe if we move near by he can get them to name it "the Diego".
Overall, the food was tasty, although too heavy and greasy. Probably the perfect brunch to cure a hangover (after all, they have to compete with the taquerias...), but not exactly the most appropriate if you need to be on top of your game to charm prospective landlords in the afternoon.