Friday, April 6, 2012

Husk, Charleston, SC

Questing for the Perfect Brunch is not an easy task. Sometimes it involves sacrifices. In this particular case, it required of us to have a meal at Husk, a magnificent restaurant in Charleston, SC.

Truth be told, we had originally planned to have dinner at Husk, but it was impossible for us to get a reservation at a convenient time, so we decided to have Brunch here instead. I'm pretty sure that one of the reasons getting a reservation was hard is that Husk is one of the happening restaurant in the US these days. It was chosen the best new restaurant in the US by Bon Appetit Magazine in 2011 (by the way, we have also visited the Number 10 pick in the list, Bondir. But that is another story.).

The chef-owner of this establishment is Sean Brock, who was recently portrayed in a full article in the New Yorker. Sean is all about local ingredients and bringing back Southern Cuisine to the spotlight of the American restaurant scene. I'm sure he's a hands-on kind of person as we ran into him at Husk while leaving the restaurant and he thanked us for our visit. Southern Hospitality at its best.

The restaurant is located in a beautifully conserved old house in the Charleston historic district.

This house has two main highlights as far as we are concerned. While we waited for our table we got to experience one of local marvels that Charleston has to offer: the joggling board. Think "sideways rocking chair". The other is the wonderful balcony where we sat and enjoyed our Brunch.

I won't describe the menu in detail but it seems that all dishes cooked at Husk involve the participation of a pig one way or the other. I guess this is how Sean rolls in SC. And that is certainly fine by me.

I ordered a Fried Chicken BLT. What is this? Just a BLT with an added full piece of Fried Chicken. It was as superb as it was obscene. A perfect meal. An interesting detail was the lightly toasted bread that was used to "house" this delicacy.
Ana decided to have an appetizer and a side, instead of a full plate. She had pig ears lettuce wraps accompanied by the most magnificent bacon corn bread you could imagine. In this particular case, images are worth a thousand words. Unfortunately for you, a taste is worth a thousand images... so you'll have to visit Husk if you are curious at this point.

All in all, it was fantastic. Go visit!

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