Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Airplane Light Brunch at the Friendly Toast, Portsmouth, NH

The weekend before last Ani was still in Colombia and I had no particular plans. Luckily for me, Analia (not to be confused with Ani...) and Julian came to my rescue and invited me to this airplane show in New Hampshire (NH). A friend of them, Marcial, was visiting and the four of us took off for Portsmouth, NH. So, Saturday morning they picked me up, half hour after we had originally planned but, according to Julian, at least it was "en punto". When we were no more than 20 miles from the airport where the show was taking place we hit ridiculous traffic and could not make it in time. We decided to go to the show on Sunday instead (it was awesome, by the way), and go to Portsmouth to have brunch. I suggested we should try The Friendly Toast. Ani and I are regulars at their Kendall Square location in Cambridge, MA and I knew their original spot was in Portsmouth, NH so we decided to pay their flagship location a visit. I have to say that the experience in NH was very similar to the one in MA modulo the creepy MIT students and the 1 hour wait that is unavoidable in Kendall Square. They have the same menu (which I really like) and eclectic decor. Not to be forgotten, they offer the same type of home made toasts including flavors like Jalapeno, Pepperjack and Cheddar cheese. Best of all are their daily specials, which have never let me down. Analia and Marcial had different versions of the ubiquitous brunch classics: Eggs Benedict. Julian went for a very interesting looking omelet called Sklarmageddon. I am sure you can imagine the potential damage this type of culinary option can cause to your arteries. In my case, I decided to go with one of the specials. This is what they were offering:
Can you make out what's written on the board? Not surprisingly I decided to give #2 a try. After all it was a weekend and I needed something out of the ordinary to make up for the air show fiasco. #2 stands for B&B Homefries. This means: Brie and Bleu Cheeses melted into homefries with artichoke hearts, roasted yellow peppers and tomato. All of this was served on top of a bed of baby spinach and basil. As if this was not enough, the dish included your choice of a home made toast (Pepperjack and Jalapeno in my case). I really can't describe the effect of this calorie bomb on my health. It was awesome! You can see the picture and reach your own conclusions. I may not have been able to see the air show on Saturday but at least I had and airplane light - as in as heavy as a plane - Brunch experience instead.


  1. The ridiculous traffic was not a problem, but the ridiculous music was a nightmare!!
    As for the brunch experience, it was awesome.-
